What is Coaching? 

Coaching is all about you. It is not like counselling or therapy which involves delving into the past. Instead, coaching is about guiding or steering you forward in a positive direction. It is about bringing your authentic self forward, looking at yourself honestly without judgment and exploring how your thoughts and actions serve or limit you in your life. Coaching is a process of self discovery where you uncover and confront your fears and gain the confidence to work towards and eventually reach your goals and dreams. It is a thought provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. My intention and desire as a coach is to have you learn more about yourself, to grow as a person and to get what you want in all areas of your life, by using the tools and framework with which you are given.

The services I provide are defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF) which governs and shapes the profession of coaching. The following is the ICF definition of coaching:

“Professional coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance and enhance their quality of life”

Who benefits from Coaching?

Coaching is beneficial to anyone who is committed to learning more about themselves and is looking for more joy and fulfillment in their personal and professional life. It is incredibly valuable to anyone who is going through a career or life transition, for Canadian citizens or newcomers to the country.

How it works?

In each 1 hour session, you choose the focus of conversation, while I listen and contribute observations and questions. By asking powerful questions, this will assist you in achieving your desired life changes and goals. This one-on-one interaction creates clarity and moves you into action. Coaching will speed up your progress by providing more in-depth focus and an awareness of choice. The focus is on where you are now and what you are willing to do to reach your full potential and goals in the future. It will provide you with focus, structure and support. It will increase your motivation through self-awareness and accountability.

Coaching is a process which is built over time. A 1 hour Discovery Session would be set, either in person or by telephone, in order to set a solid foundation for all future coaching sessions. This session will examine what you want to focus on and what your priorities are. Our sessions will be 60 minutes long, between 2 to 5 times per month for a minimum period of 2 months. The frequency of your session will depend on your needs.

Complimentary Session

The best way to truly understand the value and benefit of coaching is to experience it yourself. Without the personal experience, it is a hard concept to grasp. To schedule for a complimentary session, please click here.